it remains the subject of intense debate 意味

  • それは相変わらず激しい討論の的となっている


        subject of intense debate:    大きな議論{ぎろん}を呼ぶテーマ
        intense debate:    激しい議論{ぎろん}
        debate on a subject:    論及{ろんきゅう}
        subject of debate:    議論{ぎろん}のテーマ[主題{しゅだい}]、議題{ぎだい}
        intense debate stirred up by:    ~がきっかけで起こった激しい論争{ろんそう}
        under intense debate:    《be ~》激しい論議{ろんぎ}のさなかで
        subject of intense scrutiny:    厳しい調査{ちょうさ}の対象{たいしょう}
        subject of much debate:    議論{ぎろん}が大いに必要{ひつよう}な問題{もんだい}
        subject to the most intense global scrutiny:    《be ~》世界中{せかいじゅう}の厳しい監視{かんし}の目にさらされる
        remains:    remains 亡骸 なきがら 名残り なごり 遺体 いたい 死骸 屍骸 しがい 残滓 ざんし ざんさい 跡 あと 名残 なごり 余り物 あまりもの 遺骨 いこつ 遺構 いこう 余り あまり あんまり 遺骸 いがい
        intense:     intense adj. 激しい, 激情的な. 【副詞】 an emotionally intense experience 情緒面で強烈な経験 He is a tremendously intense person. 感情のひどく激しい人だ. 【+前置詞】 She is very intense in her belief in feminist do
        debate:     1debate n. 討論会, 議論. 【動詞+】 Critical opinion would broaden the debate and increase public involvement. 批判力のある意見は討論の幅を広げるし一般の人々の参加も増大させる chair a debate 討論会の司会をする close a debate 討論を
        debate on:    ~について論議する
        debate with:    ~と議論{ぎろん}する
        to debate:    to debate 論ずる ろんずる 論じる ろんじる


  1. "it related trade" 意味
  2. "it remains a muted debate but one of some importance for the future" 意味
  3. "it remains an unsettled question whether…or…" 意味
  4. "it remains an unsolved problem" 意味
  5. "it remains the property of the original owner" 意味
  6. "it remains to be seen if he will succeed" 意味
  7. "it remains to be seen whether he can talk them around" 意味
  8. "it remains to be seen which road the government will choose" 意味
  9. "it reminds someone that" 意味
  10. "it remains an unsolved problem" 意味
  11. "it remains the property of the original owner" 意味
  12. "it remains to be seen if he will succeed" 意味
  13. "it remains to be seen whether he can talk them around" 意味

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